同学你好,很高兴能为你解答关于萨塞克斯大学 PhD直招的相关问题。萨塞克斯大学在全球数学领域极具影响力,其 PhD 项目自然吸引着众多优秀学子的目光。接下来,让我们详细了解一下该项目的直招情况。
萨塞克斯大学 PhD 直招的申请时间通常在每年1月。需要提醒的是,由于申请竞争激烈,建议尽早提交申请材料。
以下是该校近期数学专业 PhD 直招的相关项目:
PhD Studentship in “Non-uniformly elliptic problems in Optimal Transport”项目介绍:About the Project
Optimal transportation is a highly active area of mathematics. In the last years a number of new insights have allowed to develop the mathematical theory further. Moreover, optimal transport has become increasingly relevant in applications such as data science, physics and engineering. In 2014, a linearisation ansatz was suggested for the Monge-Ampere equation and using this ansatz as a heuristic a number of far-reaching conjectures concerning the problem of finding a matching ...申请结束时间:2025-01-31申请要求:Applicants must hold, or expect to hold, at least a UK upper second class degree (or non-UK equivalent qualification) in Physics/Mathematics, or a closely-related area, or else a lower second class degree followed by a relevant Master's degree.This award is open to UK and International students.学历要求:大四,硕士生奖学金金额及发放形式:· Fully-paid tuition fees for three and a half years.· A tax-free bursary for living costs for three and a half years (£19,237 per annum in 2024/25).· Additional financial support is provided to cover short-term and long-term travel.· If you are not a UK national, nor an EU national with UK settled/pre-settled status, you will need to apply for a student study visa before admission.点击这里👉查看项目详情PhD Studentship in the mathematical modelling of infectious disease transmission and control项目介绍:About the Project
The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated the urgent need for improved preparedness to control the outbreak of emerging respiratory virus infections. The overall aim of the project will be the development of mathematical and computational tools to improve understanding of i) the replication of respiratory viruses, such as SARS-CoV-2 and influenza, within an individual host, ii) the transmission of viral infections between individuals in highly heterogeneous environments. The tools...申请结束时间:2025-01-31申请要求:Applicants must hold, or expect to hold, at least a UK upper second-class degree (or non-UK equivalent qualification) in Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Computer Science, Bioinformatics, Epidemiology, or a closely-related area, or else a lower second-class degree followed by a relevant Master's degree. They must have a strong background in mathematical modelling and an interest in infectious disease epidemiology and mathematical modelling in Biology and Medicine. Experience in parameter estima...学历要求:大四,硕士生申请方式:We advise early application as the position will be filled as soon as a suitable applicant can be found.奖学金金额及发放形式:· Fully-paid tuition fees for three and a half years at the home fee status.· A tax-free bursary for living costs for three and a half years (£19,237 per annum in 2024/25).· Additional financial support is provided to cover short-term and long-term travel.· If you are not a UK national, nor an EU national with UK settled/pre-settled status, you will need to apply for a student study visa before admission.点击这里👉查看项目详情PhD Studentship in “Multi-scale mathematical models to predict prostate cancer progression and treatment response.”项目介绍:About the Project
Prostate cancer (PCa) ranks as the second most prevalent cancer among men worldwide, also constituting the fifth cause of cancer-related death. While advances in screening and diagnosis enable early detection, therapies for late-stage disseminated disease remain primarily palliative. Recent interdisciplinary studies highlight the urgency for evaluating new therapeutic strategies to manage advanced PCa dynamics and the emergence of drug resistance. Recently, Ferroptosis, a form ...申请结束时间:2025-01-31申请要求:Applicants must hold, or expect to hold, at least a UK upper second class degree (or non-UK equivalent qualification) in Physics/Mathematics, or a closely-related area, or else a lower second class degree followed by a relevant Master's degree.This award is open to UK and International students.学历要求:大四,硕士生奖学金金额及发放形式:· Fully-paid tuition fees for three and a half years at the home fee status.· A tax-free bursary for living costs for three and a half years (£19,237 per annum in 2024/25).· Additional financial support is provided to cover short-term and long-term travel.· If you are not a UK national, nor an EU national with UK settled/pre-settled status, you will need to apply for a student study visa before admission.点击这里👉查看项目详情
希望以上信息能对你有所帮助。如果你还有其他疑问或需要进一步了解相关内容,欢迎随时咨询。祝愿你在追求学术梦想的道路上一切顺利,期待你能成功申请到萨塞克斯大学的 PhD 项目,在数学学术领域大展宏图!加油!
405 questions申请截至日期迫在眉睫,你的网申填好了么?还在为看不懂网申的要求苦恼?为不知道填什么答案纠结?
因为我们问达社区里本来就潜藏着很多留学咨询达人。他们伺机出动, 不时的解决大家的留学问题。在这次活动里,小编也成功邀请到他们来帮助解答你们任何网申问题。
像有着5年专业留学咨询经验的Mr.Zhao; 像美国名校金融学毕业,回国从事留学咨询的StellaZ:像哥大传媒学毕业,已经驻扎在美国的热心肠David Liu。
☆ 切忌给这些达人私信啦!他们应付不过来,而且不能确保回复时间。 如果有网申问题,就在这期活动下面提问咯。如果不急着要回复,就进入社区提问,邀请他们回答啦~
☆ 记得一定一定添加Chloe为好友哦,遵循活动参与方式,否则我们不能保证一小时内回复你的问题啦,当然也就不会赔付
☆ 我们不会找借口,找理由,只要你满足活动参与要求,我们就会一小时有问必答!保证逾时赔付!
看到这里,你心里是不是踏实了许多。 那就快来向小编和专业留学咨询师提出你的网申问题吧~