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38 courses found which satisfy the condition "Civil Engineering".
Civil Engineering Construction Technique
Construction safety and legislation, construction machinery and operations, basement construction, caisson foundations, tunneling methods, construction of high-rise buildings, prefabrication, bridge construction, dredging and land reclamation, coastal structures, appraisal of concrete structures, retrofitting of buildings, automation and robotics in construction, buildability scores and aspects.
Concrete Structure
At the end of this course the student shall have a knowledge of methods of prestressing,advantages of prestressing concrete,the losses involved and the design methods for prestressed cncrete elements under codal provisions.
steel construction
This course covers the design of structural steel members subjected to compressive, tensile and bending loads, as per current codal provisions including connections. Design of structural systems such as roof trusses, gantry girders are included.
building Materials
The aim of this course is to provide students with knowledge of mechanical and physical properties of building materials and general of division, production and use of building materials in construction. After completion of the subject the student obtain knowledges about basic materials, their physical and mechanical properties and technology of building production.This knowledge can be applied in practice.
Structural Mechanics
"This course is intended to provide the student majoring in civil, architectural and other related areas skills of structural analysis at an intermediate level. It consists of three major topics: Matrix analysis of structures, Plastic
limit analysis and dynamic behavior of structures. The matrix analysis part exposes the student to the elementary skills and procedures in large-scale problems that can only be dealt with using computers. The second topic covers the essential concepts in plastic design of structures. In the third topic, emphasis is placed on the dynamic response analysis of discrete parameter (lumped mass) systems. The behavior and elementary skills of dynamic analysis of discrete parameter systems are studied."
Engineering Survey
Computer Aided Design
Mechanics of materials
"Upon the completion of the course the student should be
able to:
• Calculate the principal stresses and strains in a loaded
• Solve problems using stress transformation and Mohr’s
• Apply Hooke’s law for plane stress and plane strain
• Calculate stresses in thin walled spherical or cylindrical
pressure vessels
• Calculate the stresses produced by combined axial,
bending and torsional loads"
Theoretical Mechanics
With analytic mechanics, many topics of kinematics and dynamics of mechanical systems are introduced. The course Mainly includes: constraints of motion, generalized coordinates, degrees of freedom, principle of virtual work. For fixed-point motion of rigid body, the Euler angles and Euler Equations of kinematics are introduced; and more, parallel planar motion, fixed-axis motion and general motion of rigid bodies are also presented. The equations of motion in non-inertial reference frame and their application are discussed. Lagrangian and Lagrange equations are introduced, and as their applications, central force motions and small oscillations for multi-degrees of freedom mechanical systems are discussed. Center of mass and reference frame of center of mass for many particle systems are presented. Dynamical laws of the particle groups are discussed, and the laws are used to solve mechanical problems. For rigid body dynamics, the inertia tensor and Euler dynamical equation are introduced. From the Lagrange equations of motion, we deduce the canonical equations of motions, the conservations of some mechanical quantities of mechanical systems are discussed. Finally, we discuss the Poisson brackets and Hamilton`s principle and Hamilton-Jacobi equation.
Engineering Drawing
The curriculum of Engineering Drawing studies the theory and method of making and reading engineering drawing. It is a basic specialty course, especially emphasizing practical using. The curriculum is designed for students study technology but in non-mechanical major. Based on the theory of parallel projection, the curriculum teaches the basic theory of making an engineering drawing, introduces related national criterion (GB), and also introduces the making and reading method of specialty drawings. The curriculum includes the training of the skills in manual drawing and the abilities in computer aided drawing.
An Introduction to Civil Engineering
The primary objective of this course is to introduce civil engineering undergraduate students to the many different career choices available to them as civil engineers and to allow them to make better decisions in determining which field within the curriculum may be a better choice for their continuing study.
Engineering Elasticity
The course intends to provide the student with the tools and an understanding of the use of vectors and tensors in describing the deformation of elastic solids, the formulation of the governing equations using physical laws, and the solution of simple linear elasticity problems using various analytical techniques.
Engineering Geology
At the end of Enguneering Geology course the students will be able to understand the importance of geological knowledge such as earth, earthquake, volcanism and to apply this knowledge in projects such as dams, tunnels, bridges, roads, airport and harbor as well as to choose types of foundations.
Foundation engineering
Focuses on geotechnical design of shallow and deep foundations, including spread footings, mats, driven piles, and drilled piers. Coverage includes bearing capacity, settlement, group effects, and lateral load capacity of the various foundation types. Additional topics include subsurface exploration, construction of deep foundations, and analysis of pile behavior using wave equation and dynamic monitoring methods
Elastic Mechanics
soil mechanics
To impart knowledge on behavior and the performance of saturated soil. At the end of this course student attains adequate knowledge in assessing both physical and engineering behaviour of soils, mechanism of stress transfer in two-phase systems and stability analysis of slopes.
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
Building Environment Test Technology
Engineering Geology and Hydrologic Geology